
APP (UK) Ltd

Meteor Business Park
Cheltenham Road East
United Kingdom

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Based in Gloucester, APP (UK) Ltd provide an entire range of specialist product bagging equipment. We stock many different component products with most of them working in conjunction as a full productive and efficient automatic bagging system. As well as bagging machines, we can also provide counters, weighing equipment and printers as well as much more. It is also worth noting that we can help with a wide range of production runs, however large or fast they may be.

You can contact our customer service team for further information, including a free line evaluation if required. You can also contact us to arrange delivery of our company brochure which contains information on all of our current products.  


We stock a wide range of bagging machines which help to increase overall productivity and efficiency. Just some of the devices we have to offer includes tabletop baggers, automatic tabletop baggers, advanced poly-baggers and combined printing bagging machines. Our range of baggers can be used to package many different types of products across a variety of industries. If you would like any further information, such as detailed technical specifications, you can visit the website where you will find our company brochure.


Our Ultra-Count series of counters can be used for the bagging of many different products. As our products are mainly modular, our counters can be integrated with our bagging machines to produce an automatic bagging system. Both reliable and accurate, our counters are guaranteed to improve the overall speed and productivity of your operation. For more information, please visit the website where you will find our company brochure.


We stock a comprehensive selection of weighing equipment and scales which can be used in conjunction with our bagging systems, for a wide range of applications. Just some of the devices we stock include, check-weigh scales, bench-top check-weigh scales, rotary check-weigh scales, semi-automatic flip net-weight scales and conveyor check-weigh scales, as well as many more. To view the entire range in full, including technical details, please visit the website or contact us directly.


We can also offer a range of high quality printers which remove the hassle of hand labelling. We can provide our customers with printing stations, inline printers, label printers as well as a large selection of printing accessories, including software, controllers and barcode verifiers, as well as many more. To view all of our printing products in full, don't hesitate to visit the website where you can download our full product brochure. Alternatively if you need any more information, contact our team by phone or email.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
Founded:1 January, 1987 (37 years and 5 months ago)
No of Employees: 1-10
Annual Turnover: n/a
Parent Company: APPI Ltd
Company Type:
  • Distributor
  • Service Providers

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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Company Certifications

ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management systems – Requirements