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IMSM adds value to businesses by attracting new clients and improving efficiency, through quality (ISO 9001) environmental (ISO 14001), Health & Safety (BS OHSAS 18001) and information security (ISO 27001) management systems, providing a fixed fee, fixed timescale, integrated solution. Other related standards can also be achieved. Since 1994, IMSM has helped more than 7000 companies worldwide to achieve ISO and other industry specific standards. IMSM is a member of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and has been successfully audited to 'Committed to excellence' status. Other memberships include the British Quality Foundation, British Plastics Federation, Society for the Plastics Industry (SPI), British American Business and the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and has a strong network around the world.

ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management Systems

ISO 9001 is a global benchmark of quality and as it is a generic standard it can be applied to any business, regardless of its size and function.  The ISO 9001 clearly and concisely defines the measures needed to create a quality management system. It will improve your customer’s experience and your internal processes. It guarantees the continually development of your business and there are regular reviews to ensure that your organisation is always moving in the right direction. The ISO 3001 is a globally used and recognised management tool and by achieving this certification your customers will automatically know that you are dedicated to meeting and exceeding their needs.

ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System

In todays environmentally conscience society there is an increasing pressure on firms to be able to prove that they are aware of the natural world around them and their effect upon it. The ISO 14001 is part of the ISO 14000 family that deals with the environmental impact and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. ISO 14001 is an Environment Management System (EMS) that enables your company to addresses how its contribution on the environment will be minimised whilst still retaining its profitability. Although essential for oil, power and waste companies, the ISO14001 is generic and can be used for all types and sizes of business and any industry.

BS OHSAS 18001 : 2007 Occupational Health & Safety

Another generic standard that works for all types and size of business, the OHSAS 18001 is a British Standard as opposed to an international one and works exclusively with all current UK health and safety legislation. With ongoing reviews, the BS OHSAS 18001 ensures that you staff work in the safest conditions possible and that your health and safety policy and procedures are the optimum for your type of business. Having this certification proves to your employees that you value their health and safety and improves their morale and commitment to the company.

ISO 27001:2005 Information and Data Security

Suitable for both large and small companies, the ISO 27001 will help safeguard your company against data theft or misuse, a very real problem for every industry and both large and small businesses.  

The ISO 27001 works with your company, no matter what kind of confidential information it holds, to create systems and processes that protect it against the possibility of security break-ins or the misuse of information, by making sure that data remains confidential at all times. The ISO 27001 is regularly audited to certify that your organisation is complying with the standards it defines. 

ISO 50001: 2011 Energy Management System

The international standard for Energy Management Systems (EnMS), the ISO 50001 is an ongoing development program for companies of all sizes and functions to help manage the acquisition and use of their energy.

It sets out a plan that helps organisations to manage their energy supply, including its use and consumption. In addition, the system will make sure that energy practices in place for equipment, systems, processes, and personnel are measured, documented and reported, to ensure the constant improvement and advancement in the efficiency and conservation of an organisation’s energy use, whilst also taking into account climate change. 

ISO 22301:2012 Business Continuity

There are many benefits to your company obtaining ISO22301 certification. Primarily it gives you a competitive edge on your rivals by helping you to comprehend the potential threats your business may face and allowing you to make thorough contingency plans for all eventualities. Having a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) will enable you to continue operating your business despite any extreme circumstances that may occur and therefore minimises any loss of income and reduces the effect such incidents have on your customers and stakeholders. Accomplishing the ISO 22301 will only add to your credibility as an organisation.

ISO 20000-1: 2011 Information Technology – Service Management

The ISO 20000 will provide you with a complete IT service management strategy that will help you fine tune your IT service, to make it more reliable, efficient and consistent. It is vital that your IT service management works in harmony with your long-term business strategy to ensure the smooth running of your company. By implementing techniques that consistently measure and evaluate the performance of the IT systems as well as its processes and practices your business will be able to make adjustments for improvements where needed and this will overall reduce risks and costs and achieve higher profits.

ISO 13485:2003 Medical Devices

ISO 13485 is a globally recognised standard detailing the specifications of a Quality Management System for companies that provide medical devices that need to consistently adhere to client and regulatory requirements. Regulatory authorities are increasingly requesting an ISO 13485 and it is becoming essential for organisations to show that they have this standard. The ISO 13485 will allow you to trade all across the world, safe in the knowledge that you are meeting the standards of any country. Having this ISO 13485 enables your company to work more efficiently, whilst reducing costs.

AS 9100 Aerospace

The AS 9100 is a solid Quality Management System, created with full international corporation and is entirely unique to the Aerospace Industry. The AS 9100 completely removes the necessity for other aviation industry assessment and continually monitors your business so that it is always working to maximum efficiency, as well as guaranteeing the level of quality, safety and reliability of your products. Having this standard will not only improve your customer experience but also raise your worldwide company profile. The AS 9100 standard is applicable to all sectors of the aerospace industry, regardless of whether your company deals with design and manufacture or maintenance and stock list distributions.

ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management

The globally recognised ISO 22000 works across the whole food and beverage chain to make sure that is completely fit for human consumption. This successful Food Safety Management System helps to identify potential hazards in food safety, enabling you to bring in effective measures of control and therefore increasing productivity and traceability along the food chain. Not only will the ISO 22000 allow you to do business across international markets it will also make it easier for you to apply Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles, improving your reputation and helping your business to grow.

ISO/TS 16949:2009 Automotive Quality Management System

Designed for the automotive industry and to help companies trade across world markets, the ISO/ TS 16949 is a Quality Management System the covers all areas of manufacturing including design, development, production, installation and servicing as well as other related products.

Long term the ISO/TS1649 will help to improve your product as a whole by establishing consistency in the supply chain, which in turn will safeguard the quality, lower your overheads and reduce waste and errors as well as speeding up delivery times. There will be no need to engage the services of third party registrations in different countries for compliance purposes and this standard meets the automotive mandates of the worldwide members of International Automotive Task Force (IATF).

ISO 17025:2005 Laboratory Competence

ISO 17025 is a sure fire way to increase your laboratories’ reputation, by putting in place this technical competence and management system, your test results and calibrations instantly become more consistently accurate. The system will set out strict guidelines for quality control on the methods used as well as how statistics are analysed and date is controlled. It will help to authenticate your laboratory and your expertise by showing that it meets with regulatory and safety requirements. Having the ISO 17025 will also allow your laboratory to start tendering for larger, global contracts.



Registration Number: 08587638
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:27 June, 2013 (10 years and 11 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Fabricator
  • Stockholder
  • Service Providers

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Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
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