
  • Mr David Taylor - Marketing


Launched in 2012, LadderLimb has already gained a legion of satisfied users, as well as accolades such as Best Tool Product and Hand Tool of the Year.  A simple yet highly effective device, LadderLimb attaches easily to your ladder, allowing you to hang your equipment, tools, paint pots, buckets, etc within easy reach.  The limb detaches just as easily, so your equipment can move up and down the ladder with you.  The benefits include ease of use, saving time and, very importantly, improved safety for anyone taking equipment up and down a ladder.  LadderLimb’s popularity is growing at speed as more and more people discover they can’t do without their “third hand on the ladder”.


They say the simplest ideas are the best and that is certainly true of LadderLimb, which is referred to as ‘your third hand on the ladder’. Launched in 2012 this useful device has already won Best Tool Product at Totally Tools/DIY and the Gold award for UK Hand Tool of the Year.  How many times have you struggled to move a paint pot, bucket or tools up and down a ladder safely?  LadderLimb is the answer.  It is, quite simply, a tapered rubberised limb that attaches easily to the hollowed rungs of your ladder and then, as you move up and down, can be equally simply and safely moved to another height.  Your pot, bucket, etc, is held firmly in place and you have easy access.  The LadderLimb fits most modern ladders, as well as some stepladders.  Simple yet highly effective – you will come to call it indispensable.


LadderLimb has a wide variety of applications, both commercial and domestic.  Using LadderLimb with its cleverly designed tapered rubberised limb allows you to fix tool bags, paint pots, buckets or whatever within easy reach on your ladder and to simply move your equipment as you go up and down the ladder.  This not only saves time and makes your life on a ladder a whole lot easier, it offers increased safety.  So whether you are up a ladder on a job, such as a builder, telecoms engineer or roofer or you are cleaning your windows at home or changing the colour of your outside walls the LadderLimb keeps your equipment safely to hand.


All sorts of people, from tradesmen and painter decorators to people working on ladders at home, have tried LadderLimb and feel that it is the most effective and useful equipment and device holding tool they have come across.  “Every trades person who works up a ladder should have one as their vital third hand helper” is a typical comment.  The Grand Winner of the Dulux Select Decorator of the Year 2011, states “How did I ever get on without my trusted Ladderlimb?”  The reviewer of Housefixer magazine summed up his glowing report on the product by writing “The uses are endless, time saving is massive, and the safety implications are fantastic”.



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Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
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