
Mole Valley Farmers Ltd
Head Office

Exmoor House
Lime Way
South Molton
EX36 3LH
United Kingdom

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Fax: 01769 573821
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Mole Valley Farmers was started in 1960 by a small group of farmers around South Molton who were concerned by the discriminatory practices and the large margins being taken by many of their input suppliers. From the outset it was decided to treat all members equally, subject only to quantity allowance and that the Company would operate on the minimum margin to allow continuity and growth. Today it remains one of a few true co-operatives in the supply industry.



Registration Number: 00679848
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:6 January, 1961 (63 years and 4 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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