
PPM Technology Ltd

The Business Centre
100 Honey Lane
Waltham Abbey
United Kingdom

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Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
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  • Formaldemeter htv 3 Parameter Formaldehyde detector. The latest 3-parameter instrument from PPM Technology directly measures airborne formaldehyde concentrations as well as ambient temperature and humidity levels. Building on the technology developed in the popular Formaldemeter 400, with the addition of unique compensation techniques, the htV can now accurately measure low and extremely high levels of formaldehyde - even in humid conditions - while still maintaining ease of use and simple calibration.
  • Formaldemeter htv-m 3 Parameter Formaldehyde Detector and Monitor. The latest 3-parameter instrument from PPM Technology directly measures airborne formaldehyde concentrations as well as ambient temperature and humidity levels. Building on the technology developed in the popular Formaldemeter 400, with the addition of unique compensation techniques, the htV-m can now accurately measure very low and/or extremely high levels of formaldehyde. The htV-m can be used as a manual handheld meter and as a continuous monitor capable of up to one month of data logging, it is available with 3 configurable memory options; the minimum available is 2000 samples, normal is 6000 and maximum available is over 14000 samples, it can monitor the formaldehyde level, temperature, humidity, time and date in real time for up to one month. It is possible to have wireless connectivity with the hand-held htv instrument, a wireless module (optional) at the rear of the instrument sends all collected data to a PC in real time.
  • Mini IAQ Profile Monitor Wireless Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitor. The Mini IAQ Profile system has been designed to give a visual representation of indoor air quality in buildings, as part of the buildings management standards in relation to conditions such as Sick Building Syndrome. A great number of units can be networked, the system can show prescise changes in concentration of selected IAQ parameters in various locations over time. The Mini IAQ Profile Monitor system enables the user to control and run several different wireless IAQ sampling units - all communicating together via the sophisticated and reliable ZigBee wireless mesh system. The Mini IAQ Unit is able to monitor temperature and humidity as well as up to 3 different IAQ parameters. Including Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Ammonia, Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, TVOC's and Sulphur Dioxide. The Mini Wireless ht-v provides continuous monitoring of Formaldehyde, Temperature and Humidity.
  • Wireless IAQ Profile Monitor Wireless Indoor Air Quality Monitor. Our new Wireless IAQ Profile PPMonitor is a continuous monitor of any Indoor Air Environment. It enables real-time monitoring of almost any Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) parameter including Temperature, Humidity and a wide range of toxic gases and compounds. Such as Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Ammonia, Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, TVOC's and Sulphur Dioxide Real-time functions enable immediate warnings of the presence of harmful gases in the air thus protecting employees and the public. The system has been designed to be easy to set-up and operate. A manager PC simply connects to the wireless network using a Telegesis ZigBee USB module, allowing for transmitting and receiving of information to and from a particular wireless unit. The PPMonitor software enables the data to be viewed graphically, produce reports and statistical data. Analysis of the recorded data over time allows for more efficient management of resources and energy